عناوين مواقع الدراسة افضل جامعات بريطانيا في العالم universities in uk
لجميع المهتمين بمعرفة أخبار الدراسة في المملكة المتحدة يسرنا ان نقدم لكم دليل المواقع الالكترونية الخاصة بأشهر الجامعات في بريطانيا والتي يمكنكم زيارتها والاستفسار عن كيفية وماهي الشروط الواجب اتباعها بهدف الدراسة في بريطانيا
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عناوين مواقع الدراسة في افضل جامعات بريطانيا في العالم universities in uk |
University of St Andrews (University of St Andrews - Scotland's first university, founded 1413) : www.st-andrews.ac.uk
University of Warwick (Welcome to the University of Warwick) : www2.warwick.ac.uk
University College London (UCL – London's Global University) : www.ucl.ac.uk
Durham University : www.dur.ac.uk
University of Oxford : www.ox.ac.uk
University of Cambridge : www.cam.ac.uk
Imperial College London : www3.imperial.ac.uk
London School of Economics (LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science - Home) : www.lse.ac.uk
The University of York : www.york.ac.uk/np/index.shtml
University of Bristol (Bristol University homepage - a place for learning, discovery and enterprise) : www.bristol.ac.uk
King's College London (King's College London :Home :King's College London) : www.kcl.ac.uk
Loughborough University : www.lboro.ac.uk
University of Exeter : www.exeter.ac.uk
Leicester University : www.le.ac.uk/external
The University of Bath : www.bath.ac.uk
The University of Nottingham : www.nottingham.ac.uk
University of Southampton : www.soton.ac.uk
The University of Edinburgh : www.ed.ac.uk
University of Lancaster : www.lancs.ac.uk/index.htm
Newcastle University ( Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU ) : www.ncl.ac.uk
University of Glasgow (University of Glasgow :: Glasgow, Scotland, UK) : www.gla.ac.uk
The University of Sheffield : www.shef.ac.uk
University of East Anglia : www1.uea.ac.uk/cm/Home
School of Oriental and African Studies (The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - University of London) : www.soas.ac.uk
The University of Birmingham : www.bham.ac.uk
The University of Aberdeen : www.abdn.ac.uk
The University of Manchester: www.manchester.ac.uk
Aston University (Welcome to Aston University - an inspirational place in the heart of Birmingham, UK) : www.aston.ac.uk
Welcome to Cardiff University : www.cardiff.ac.uk
Royal Holloway, University of London : www.rhul.ac.uk
University of Leeds : www.leeds.ac.uk
University of Reading ( University of Reading Top Ranking University for Research ) : www.reading.ac.uk
Queen's University Belfast : www.qub.ac.uk
The University of Liverpool : www.liv.ac.uk
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow : www.strath.ac.uk
University of Kent ( University of Kent - the UK's European university ) : www.kent.ac.uk
London School of Economics (LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science - Home) : www.lse.ac.uk
The University of York : www.york.ac.uk/np/index.shtml
University of Bristol (Bristol University homepage - a place for learning, discovery and enterprise) : www.bristol.ac.uk
King's College London (King's College London :Home :King's College London) : www.kcl.ac.uk
Loughborough University : www.lboro.ac.uk
University of Exeter : www.exeter.ac.uk
Leicester University : www.le.ac.uk/external
The University of Bath : www.bath.ac.uk
The University of Nottingham : www.nottingham.ac.uk
University of Southampton : www.soton.ac.uk
The University of Edinburgh : www.ed.ac.uk
University of Lancaster : www.lancs.ac.uk/index.htm
Newcastle University ( Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU ) : www.ncl.ac.uk
University of Glasgow (University of Glasgow :: Glasgow, Scotland, UK) : www.gla.ac.uk
The University of Sheffield : www.shef.ac.uk
University of East Anglia : www1.uea.ac.uk/cm/Home
School of Oriental and African Studies (The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - University of London) : www.soas.ac.uk
The University of Birmingham : www.bham.ac.uk
The University of Aberdeen : www.abdn.ac.uk
The University of Manchester: www.manchester.ac.uk
Aston University (Welcome to Aston University - an inspirational place in the heart of Birmingham, UK) : www.aston.ac.uk
Welcome to Cardiff University : www.cardiff.ac.uk
Royal Holloway, University of London : www.rhul.ac.uk
University of Leeds : www.leeds.ac.uk
University of Reading ( University of Reading Top Ranking University for Research ) : www.reading.ac.uk
Queen's University Belfast : www.qub.ac.uk
The University of Liverpool : www.liv.ac.uk
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow : www.strath.ac.uk
University of Kent ( University of Kent - the UK's European university ) : www.kent.ac.uk
نتمنى ان نكون قد وفقنا عبر مدونة الهجرة والماجستير في تقديم لكم أحسن دليل يتضمن عناوين الموقع الرسمية الالكترونية لأحسن الجامعات البريطانية عبر جميع دول العالم وهذا بالنسبة لمن يهمه الدراسة في الجامعات الأجنبية.
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